Oct 31, 2012
Consider the out-of-pocket cost (cost of attendance minus any scholarships or grants) as opposed to net cost (cost of attendance minus the financial aid package) when evaluating college costs. Net cost includes loans, which need to be repaid, usually with interest, while out-of-pocket cost tells you how much the college is really going to cost you and your family. All colleges must now provide a net price calculator on their web sites. These calculators estimate the out-of-pocket cost. Some calculators may highlight a net cost figure in addition to a net price figure; don’t confuse the two. There may be differences in accuracy from college to college. Net price calculators can be used to evaluate whether a college is inside or outside the ballpark of affordability, but the results for different colleges may not be comparable.
(Excerpt from Fastweb.com)
For assistance in the college search and selection process, contact the College Resource Center at www.crccolumbusga.com or 706-366-2993.

Oct 29, 2012
This may be a common question for students dependent on financial aid. We encourage you to check with your university bookstore to see if they offer a special assistance program. For example, the CSU bookstore has an Early Book Program. Depending on the amount of the expected financial aid, the bookstore will give you up to $600 in store credit. The total amount of your store purchase will be automatically deducted from your financial aid check before you receive it.
For additional assistance with the college search and selection process, contact the College Resource Center at www.crccolumbusga.com or 706-366-2993.

Oct 26, 2012
Studies are showing that parents of college students continue to be involved in the lives of their college children – by email, phone calls, texts to wake them up, remind them of tests, edit papers or question grades. Some have gone as far as filling out roommate preferences, logging into school emails or tuning into online classes and lectures.
Studies show that students who are regulating their own lives – deciding which classes to take and how to spend their time – are happier and more satisfied with their lives. It is important to discuss the most appropriate ways to communicate before they leave for school.
For assistance in the college search and selection process, contact the College Resource Center at www.crccolumbusga.com or 706-366-2993.