Aug 31, 2011
Questions you may want to ask:
- How can I arrange a campus visit?
- Are there any special visiting days coming up on campus?
- What types of internships or co-op programs are available?
- How many of last year’s freshmen returned for their sophomore year?
- What percentage of a typical freshman class will graduate from your college?
- What is the average high school grade point average of the entering freshman class?
- When must I declare a major?
- What is the average student GPA after freshman year?
- What sort of guidance do you offer students who are undecided on a major?
- What are the application deadlines for admission and financial aid?
- What kinds of extracurricular activities are there on campus?
Excerpts from Cappex

Aug 25, 2011
Things to do at the fair:
- When you enter the fair pick up a directory listing all the colleges and the locations of their booths. Identify the schools you want to learn about, seek them out.
- Take brochures from colleges you’re not familiar with. Don’t just spend time with the colleges you know.
- Plan to attend one or more information session.
- Make notes about the colleges you speak with and get a business card from the representative.
- Take your time. Don’t feel you have to speak with every college. Don’t leave a college booth until you have all of your questions answered.
- Stay focused on college. Lots of your friends may also be attending, so beware of turning this into a hang-out. Make plans to spend time with them afterwards. Make your time at the college fair count.

Aug 23, 2011
Things to do before the fair:
- Find out which colleges will be at the fair. Make a priority list of
schools you want to investigate. Which colleges are a “must see”?
- Discuss your plans for college with your parents, teachers and friends.
- Use the internet to search the websites of the colleges and make a list of questions to ask.
- Invite your parents to attend with you; they need to learn, too.
What to bring to a college fair:
- Small bag to hold college information
- Notepad and pen/pencil to take notes
- Specific questions for specific colleges
- Open mind to learning about new colleges
What not to bring to a college fair:
- Your application
- Letters of recommendation
- Gifts for the college reps