Apr 30, 2013
We continue to visit colleges and boarding schools….our list is now over 70 visits!
In addition, we maintain our membership with SACAC and our associate membership with IECA.
Throughout the year, we attend webinars and conferences to stay abreast of the constantly changing college and boarding school admission’s environment.
Continuing Education is very important to help us serve our clients better!
We also present at several forums each year in the community.
For assistance in the college search and selection process, contact the College Resource Center at www.crccolumbusga.com or call 706-366-2993.
Apr 26, 2013
Remember May 1st is Decision Day! In addition to sending YES to your college of choice, you need to also notify the schools where you have been accepted but will not be attending. If you are wait-listed at your top choice, you still need to make a commitment to a college where you have been accepted.
For assistance in the college search and selection process, contact the College Resource Center at www.crccolumbusga.com or call 706-366-2993
Apr 24, 2013
1) notified the college that you do want to remain on the waitlist
2) update admissions office on any awards and recognitions, make sure they receive your most recent grades
3) be specific about why you think you should be admitted…..set yourself apart
For assistance in the college search and selection process, contact the College Resource Center at www.crccolumbusga.com or call 06-366-2993.