Feb 27, 2013
This unique program is an intensive, career-focused educational adventure that spans the scenic, supportive North Georgia learning community and the bustling cities of modern China. For more information on this global program, go to northgeorgia.edu/chineseflagship.
For assistance in the college search and selection process, contact the College Resource Center at www.crccolumbusga.com or call 706-366-2993.
Feb 22, 2013
Birmingham Southern is one of 40 schools nationwide included in the “Colleges That Change Lives’ latest edition.
Exploration Term – This term is offered in January to students each year. It provides an opportunity for innovation and experimentation for both students and faculty. The term provides opportunities to study-abroad or to participate in focused creative productions.
Early Action – December 1st
Regular Decision – February 1st
Deposit Deadline – May 1st
We have visited over 70 college campuses and would like to assist you in the college search and selection process. For information, contact the College Resource Center at www.crccolumbusga.com or call 706-366-2993.
Feb 20, 2013
Many colleges have very strong internship programs which can be a very valuable benefit to the student. We suggest this is something that the student should ask about
when visiting the college. A successful internship is a great way to network and possibly land your dream job.
For assistance in the college search and selection process contact the College Research Center at www.crccolumbusga.com or call 706-366-2993.